Saturday, 3 April 2021

Finally got my oats sown!

I was amazed this morning to finally see a lettuce seedling I must have planted the seed tape 6 weeks ago (probably a bit too deeply) especially as I had left them outside by accident and there was a frost last night.


Sadly, as part of my de-cluttering of gardening stuff I cut up the raised bed and took it to the recycling centre. It must be 3 or so years old.

So has taken a day or so (as I have been de-cluttering some of my gardening stuff) but this afternoon I finally sowed my oats (pardon Vicar?),  to be specific Glasnevin Sonas Oats from Irish Seed Savers.

So that's the oats sow and covered with straw.

I've been saving any Calendula seedlings I find :)


I had hoped to keep the spinach plants but they are all pretty poor so I will pull them Monday.

Next is to sow my wheat and start plant more seed trays.

I also want to start putting some seedlings outside to harden (not yet as frost predicted again tonight) but I must make them slug proof!


Now to cycle home :)


Thursday, 1 April 2021

Continued weeding and took green waste to recyling centre.

Cycled down to the allotment again and continued weeding and tying up bean/pea mesh.

Made draft plan:

Later took green waste to recycling centre and plants and compost to allotment.