Friday, 5 June 2020

Drove up and took a few pictures for Shane

Had CYS MakerSpace Zoom meeting earlier and Shane of CYS then contacted me. So I've volunteered to weed their plot until they're up and running :)

Was also chatting to Liam about drones and researching as I got my MACI membership today so should be able to get allotment aerial shots this weekend. Weather and Denis permitting :)

I didn't water as we've been having plenty of light showers, strong gusty winds and even some late sunshine.

But all looking good :)

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Worked compost bin and made four seed trays

This morning I worked on the compost heap in my backyard. This is a test bed for much larger ones we hope to have at the allotments.

I found out three things:
1) I must rework more often, say once a month, as the spuds were growing!
2) Use a hand axe to smash and/or chop up large veg
3) Worms love matted paper - but I'm better to put it in scrunched up.

I re-instated the temp sensor and got these results.

In the afternoon I briefly cycled to the allotment and created four seed trays: perpetual spinach, turnips, wild rocket (wasabi) and greyhound cabbage.

We had some rain overnight so things looking healthy. But I filled upwater barrel anyway.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Drove up with compost and seeds

Drove up with compost, trays and seeds ready to make seed trays next time :)

All shooting up nowadays :)

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Drove up late afternoon and just watered plot

After yesterday's Bank Holiday and lazy day. I helped out digging out willows from the Shannon Wetlands this morning. Saw lots of dragonflies :)

Late afternoon I drove up and watered plot. The wind break mesh is going up.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Walked up and watered plot

Had a day off from the allotment yesterday but walked up today and watered the plot.

Met Beth, who has a neighbouring plot, and chatted.

All looking good.