Saturday, 5 October 2019

Propogating beech hedge cuttings

Well following advice in this youtube video:

1) Basket with holes

2) Fill with play sand (slightly coarse sand with small pebbles)

3) Make slices in sand (to put cuttings in) say 4

4) Strip lower leaves of cuttings

5) Add rooting compound to base of cuttings (10 sec dip or so)

6) Put in container an inch apart

7) So 10 x 4 total.

8) Make tent poles out of pencils.

9) water in really well!

10) put whole thing in white trash bag!

11) spray more water then tie up bag

12) leave in shady area for a few weeks (check moisture after a week
and keep moist)

13) Best before October - but may not root to spring!

I snipped 40 cuttings and put them in two sandy baskets after dipping them in rooting compound.

Will leave them in the porch until Spring (checking every few weeks they they are still moist) and hopefully will have enough viable material for a hedge next year! For free :)

Monday, 30 September 2019

New Site

I was at the new site again on Sunday and was relieved to see how dry it looked (from a distance anyway) after all the rain we had on Saturday.

However, it doesn't look like much progress has been made from my last visit a week ago.

I've also added the site to Google Maps:

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Hot Composting

I have been watching lots of videos about this with my sister in Mayo and we are keen to start it this week.

I'll be using a hi tech temperature monitoring probe to graph how it gets on :)

details and photos to be posted later today :)

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Quick update..

I've been posting mainly on FB as people actually read it! Ha ha.

But the film project is progressing well and I've filmed 6 of us so far would like 10 by the end of this week so I can make a small film to show at Intel on the 20th.

Also 2 rows of spuds, cabbage, lettuce and florence fennel in. And asparagus saved after removing overwintering kale.

Must now weed the last drill around the onions and get beetroots in!